The Key Differences from Jargon and Slang
As a grownup English language learner and currently a writer/translator, I really like the English language. It never ceases to captivate my interest with its fascinating parts that pique my fascination and inspire my post writing. While lately interviewing a prospective customer, it became apparent that this individual had a military background as the replies to my queries were filled with both military slang and jargon. Quite worth noting!
Interestingly enough, jargon and slang have one main attribute in common but play two different functions within the English-language. That common attribute is that both are a kind of communicating within special groups of individuals who understand the actual meanings behind words or phrases.
Let us examine the differences between jargon and slang:
Slang is a collection of words or expressions used to casually depict a graphic, racy, or lively thing. You’ll find slang in newspaper reports, films, and regular conversations. Here are a few examples of the slang words or even a phrase, adopted by the significance in parenthesis, and accompanied by a sample sentence.
I do not wish to go away yet; I wish to know the million-dollar question.
Tranks (tranquilizing drugs).
Jargon, also referred to as gobbleygook, is quite a particular kind of language most often used within professional groups. Words or phrases used within these groups exclude others which aren’t informed nor belong to these given groups; consequently these terms are pointless to outsiders.
Here are a few instances of jargon:
CYA – see you about – (texting)
Terp – translator – (sign language interpreting)
In summary, jargon and slang are just two distinct parts of the English language with one main, common attribute. That is, that both are a kind of communicating within special groups of individuals who understand the meanings behind words or phrases.
And though they both have one attribute in common, they perform different functions. Now you understand the difference, here’s a challenge for you. If in the future you find yourself listening to someone’s story, try to see whether they are using jargon or slang. It can be pretty amusing.
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