First, I should explain that this is founded on a largely serious decision I came to after a lot of thought, instead of just an excuse to mention how the Italians are in general. My point here is merely that of intrigue and not one of insult.

One: Japanese and Italian Foods
Both nations are saturated in delicious and healthful food, and that’s not something you can say about most locations, e.g. France (delicious but results in an obsession with the healthiness of the liver), Britain (sometimes tasty but ditto with your heart), and Spain (neither).

The real issues they consume may not be exactly the same in Italy and Japan, but in both there’s a certain emphasis on clean ingredients. Consequently, maybe, these are two of the longest lifespans of any individuals on earth. Even the meals that are not so wholesome or well-known are sort of similar- Japanese octopus batter balls would fit in perfectly in the store in Rome called ‘Cose Fritte’ (Fried Things).

First and foremost, however, it’s the obsession with meals that sticks out. Japan and Italy are the only places where the television has an association to meals. And, even though this isn’t unique to both of these locations, every single city of whatever dimension has a nearby specialty- even though it’s just another form of pasta or fried chicken with mayonnaise. Evaluate this with Holland, where servers and store assistants couldn’t even think of a single national specialization when I posed the question to them.

Two: Becoming private in Italy and Japan
In both states, personal connections are a lot more significant than the principles. Unlike my assumptions before I was here, Japan is obviously not filled with folks who would easily fit in a British local council or German business. The trains run absolutely on time, but once they see somebody dashing desperately towards the closing doors the conductor will nevertheless wait.

The closest parallels, nevertheless, are available in the world of kickbacks, mafia involvement, vote buying and other dodgy deals that I simply know about from reading of them. Having a lifestyle where your link to sympathy for that man you’re coping with is more significant than the guidelines leads almost necessarily to nepotism, among other things, only because the reverse leads to heartless bureaucrats robotically following meaningless guidelines.

Three: Italian and Japanese Humiliation
After my thousandth criticism that I was bored with Italy already since it was much like doing my 2 yrs in Spain again, my boss asked me quite the question. Is there any sort of tomato throwing festival help in Italy? What about bull fighting? Any sort of cluttered exuberance of people at all? And why not? It isn’t merely the risk of ruining their hair or smudging their pointy shoes, but chiefly because the dread of ‘mala figura’ means fear of having anyone see you as any sort of fool whatsoever.

Essentially, they could not stand to lose face. Yes, that is the Italians- although the Eastern notion of ‘face’ in Japan is far better recorded. Consequently, maybe, the absurd amounts of cash spent on consuming hair gel, acquiring new vehicles, and showing off your clothing in locations is just as huge in both places. Besides not being able to get at the sink to clean your fingers due to men caught to the mirror trying to locate a hair out of place (or in Shibuya, not adequately out of place) the chief effect for me continues to be in the English classroom. For instance, in both countries testing your pupils on something they believe they should understand but do not, particularly issues about their own languages and countries, can result in a cold atmosphere for months.

4. Japanese, Italians, and London
I don’t know if Italians and Japanese have the same type of positive reaction towards the notion of Ny as I have, but they are the only two nations in which a substantial part of the folks I meet go all misty eyed about London. I believe a lot of the motives may also be exactly the same. London is a cosmopolitan town where cultural things occur that are talked about and discovered all over the world. Rome most definitely isn’t, and Milan just appears like that if it is compared by you to Rome. More surprisingly, Tokyo is a fairly provincial area too. The majority of the largest cultural activities, including exhibitions of some amazing Japanese artists, are things that came from other places around the globe. Style is why the journalists flock to places like Milan and Tokyo to find out what goes on, after all.

Just in case you’re considering whether or not I am merely making broad generalizations, I should state that my sources contain one news story on Japanese TV, a television drama viewing Italy, a book of movie critiques, and various studies that have the most stereotypes. My aim here was not to insult, but merely to point out a lot of similarities. Very intriguing.