English and Its Use on Earth

By Published On: April 7th, 2016

English is a worldwide language, but it has necessarily transformed so as to satisfy particular contexts or demands because it is a living language. As English has spread throughout the globe, there are numerous types of English in the globe. They are frequently categorized in two teams, “the centre” and “the periphery”. The centre refers to indigenous varieties of English, for example what Holliday calls BANA (Britain, Australia and The United States). Since it doesn’t usually refer to non – native varieties, the periphery appears to become more complex. If we consider ‘native’ to imply individuals whose first language is English, several people in nations of Asia and Africa might be acknowledged as native-speakers as well.

Quirk divides the periphery types of English into two teams, the outer circle and the enlarging circle, from the perspective that the centre varieties of English are found in the inside circle. What the outer circle refers to is English as an additional language or English as a primary language in societies that happen to be multilingual, such as those that students attending an English school in Las Vegas might be from. The enlarging circle refers to English as a language, including English in Japan. From my perspective, the international language that’s utilized in a multitude of international contexts is contained in this class; the enlarging circle.

The motives, nevertheless, for getting International English into the enlarging circle are twofold. Firstly, there’s the reality that it is frequently stated that those who use English and aren’t native to it use it more as a lingua franca between themselves instead of when they interact with indigenous speakers; consequently, it is not any longer the home of its native speakers. The scenario or culture where Global English is therefore used can’t fit directly into any circle apart from the enlarging circle. Secondly, drawing on the preceding citation from Romaine that language usually displays the actual scenario of its customers, it can’t be stated that the identification of Global English could be recognized with anyone of the indigenous or non-native varieties of English. That’s to say, English as a lingua franca appears to be a language open to anyone (not only non-native but also indigenous) to some degree. For instance, native speakers of English alter their language fashion based on their interlocutor; so called, ‘Foreigner Talk’. ‘Foreigner Talk’ is the register utilized by speakers who happen to be native when addressing speakers who aren’t (something discussed in one of my classes recently at our ESL Newark location). It involves simplified, occasionally ungrammatical language.

Jenkins argues this stage and claims that since the emphasis of studying English is changing from native-like comprehension to intelligibility that can be used internationally, the term EFL might need to be transformed into EIL (English as an International Language). Even though I understand that this happens to be quite the simplified generalization, as far as ‘EFL’ nations go, this thought provides a type of English in the long run into sharp relief. Provided the complicated scenario of English varieties, it can readily be imagined that types of English will turn into something that can’t be understood. As a global language by which individuals from numerous nationalities can talk to one another, this might change the function of English. It appears, consequently, to be practical to formulate or to aid the notion of the common standard that everybody can comprehend and use.

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